Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Dr. Mike Magee on the Massachusetts Universal Coverage Experiment

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Universal Coverage: Is it Worth the Wait?

The following article, by Henry L. Davis, was published in the July 29 edition of the Buffalo News:

After battling brain cancer, Lindsay McCreith (right) is ready for his next fight: He’s taking on the Canadian health care system.

His case has potential repercussions on both sides of the border as pressure grows for health reform.

It started when McCreith, a resident of Newmarket, north of Toronto, suffered a seizure last year. He was told in Canada he would have to wait more than four months for an MRI to rule out a malignant tumor.

Rather than wait, McCreith, 66, quickly arranged a trip to Buffalo for a scan. The MRI confirmed his worst fears — a cancerous growth that a Buffalo neurosurgeon removed a few weeks later.

“If I had been patient, I’d probably be disabled or dead today,” McCreith said.

Now, McCreith is suing the Ontario government in a closely watched constitutional challenge that could reshape universal health coverage in the province by striking down the prohibition against patients buying private insurance.

Click here for the rest of the article.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Council Launches Presidential Campaign Initiative

With no sitting President or Vice President vying for the nomination for the first time since 1928, the 2008 Presidential election campaign promises to be unlike many others. Both party nominations are wide open and candidates have started building their campaigns earlier than ever before.

This situation presents health care advocates with an excellent opportunity to reach out to and secure their support. Seizing this opportunity, the National Health Council has launched an initiative designed to focus candidates on a top health care issue - the lack of effective health coverage.

The initiative seeks to persuade Presidential candidates to address this important health care problem. Over the coming weeks and months, the Council plans a variety of activities aimed at securing candidates support. These include, but are not limited to:

  • Issuing a statement signed by all VHA member CEOs
  • Encouraging candidates to issue policy statements.
  • Generating local media coverage in key states/districts.
  • Collecting signatures on a petition in support of our effort.
  • Organizing a “Call the Candidates” day in key states.
  • Convincing candidates to return a questionnaire on health.

The campaign relies heavily on the organization, mobilization and activation of patients. “If patients get involved in this effort,” said Council Executive Vice President Marc Boutin, “we can make a difference. That’s why we plan to work closely with our members over the coming months.”

For more information, please contact National Health Council Strategic Consultant Joseph LaMountian at joseph.lamountain@gmail.com or 202.288.5124.